10 years ago I started playing in 3D Studio Max... I used to impress people with my 3D rotating ... things...
I started playing in 3D Studio Max because after playing a game over and over again I got bored and had always the need to remake characters I liked in the games... At first I have made this by drawing them on the back of my school notebooks... were full of ninjas from Saboteur game or huge head Dan Dare ... or chubby Nazis from Wolfenstein3D... or cartoonish vikings from The Lost Vikings... Than in 2000 came Baldur's Gate 2 who (in my opinion) rises the video game standard to a whole new level... from now on the games focus more on the artistic side... and from this point on I started seriously to study the games more. Than when the first Neverwinter game came out... I started not only to use pen and paper to remake the characters from the games I was playing... I started to use 3D Studio Max... I didn't understood back than why people made the characters so ... low poly... why in a wheal were so few polygons?! Because I was sure I have seen with my own eyes that in 3D Studio Max I can make not only 18 sides... I can make like... 200...
The games keep pushing me to do things in 3D... like I said... things that used to impress people around me... and ... come on... who would not think to make a living of this! So people payed me to impress them and i used to burn their computers....
In 2000 I burned my first PC... smoke got out of it while I was rendering a Jeep that drifted around boxes... camera following this mad ... Jeep... that worked around his way between boxes. I let the computer render all night... if I remember well ... was a 486 I think...120MHz and an astonishing hard drive of ... 42 Megabytes... yes megabytes... not even windows 95 fitted on that. I had to manually delete all *.inf files and help files to have space for 3D max... Around 6:00 in the morning I smelled burning plastic and ... surprise... the computer was dead in the woods.
In 2003 I crushed and burned a PC from a company that sales plastic and they had a super computer. I was asked to make a webpage for that company I decided to make the webpage in ... 3D Studio Max... well.. was an animation made in 3D placed inside a Flash control interface.
In 2004 I burned another PC while rendering 3D animation for an office building that wasn't even build yet. But eventually I managed to save the scene from the hard drive and finished the animation... they build it exactly after my animation.
In 2006 I have burned another PC at the company I was working at that time... I was rendering an animation for 1 week... and on the last frames the computer made a weird sound ... smoke got out of it's power source and died.
Also in 2006 I managed to bring back to life a computer that I almost killed... of course by rendering in 3D Studio Max ... something... don't remember what... That particular one remain a mystery for me because after it crushed, it simply didn't want to start again... the power was ok... no smoke... no weird sound.... it wouldn't start... All I did was to remove all it's components and put them back together ... and it started again.
Few month ago I almost burned this computer I have right now. I realized something was not right because when I .... render in 3D Studio Max... the internal speaker starts to make a beep.... beep... sound... and when I checked the temperature of the CPU with a free software I saw that the temperature was over 91° Celsius witch is not good. So regarding my previous experiences with burning computers I bought a huge cooler for this one... The standard cooler of a CPU is useless when you buy a new PC...
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